Tithing (Donuts) | 1:23

Published on 4 Mar 2013

When we give our tithes and offerings, we aren’t giving away our own possessions, but offering back to God what is already His. This clever video illustration visually sets up the reality that everything comes from God.

The word tithe literally means a tenth and is a Christian practice of giving one-tenth of your earnings to the church. Tithing can be a difficult thing, especially when cash is tight. When most people consider tithing they look at their finances and make decisions based on what they feel capable of giving. How do you view your finances? Are they a blessing from God or something you did to deserve all by yourself?

Even though tithing can be a difficult thing to do, this video illustration helps give some perspective to the absurdity of not tithing. The real issue with tithing isn’t about you giving 10% back to God; it’s about God giving us 90%. We are actually offering back to God what is already His in the first place.

Tithing is a blessing from God that actually increases our own generosity and frees us from the bondage of believing the lie of the American Dream.

Download a high quality version of this video at www.bluefishtv.com or get it as part of your streaming subscription to www.rightnowmedia.org